16th February 2007 was the day that our lives were to change forever.
Dion and I have been married for 7 years this year and we most certainly have had our share of life's challenges - more than any one person or any couple should have to deal with in their life time.
01st February 2003, we lost our first baby girl - Caelan Paige McCafferty. Born to this world at 24 weeks, she was a fighter for 3 weeks and it was just too much for her little body. Following this huge challenge and loss, was a hard time but we got through it. Almost 2 years later we were blessed with another little girl who recently turned 4 - Aimee Leigh McCafferty.
Moving to Cape Town in May 2006 was one of the best things that we as a family have done and had happen to us. We were blessed again before the end of this year with yet another little bundle of joy to make an appearance in the June of 2007. Wow, what a happy, exciting and wonderful time for any family and couple. Little did we know of the change that would cripple most couples and families.
Kayla Anne McCafferty was born 5th June 2007.
Dion was involved in a car accident on the night of the 16th Feb 2007. (I was 5 1/2 months pregnant with our second daughter). Being the passenger in a car is not always the best thing to be - as we have found out. Dion broke his back T6/7 in the accident and badly damaged his spinal cord. Luckily he did not sever the cord, but he bruised and damaged it badly enough that he has been left a paraplegic with an incomplete injury from this accident - the driver you may ask, he walked away with NOT a scratch, scar, cut or scrape !!!
Spending 4 months in the UCT Private Academic Hospital, undergoing a number of operations on his back, neck, arms and hands - all complications and breaks that needed to be repaired or stabilized from the accident. We have been in and out of hospitals and operating theatres on a number of occasions this last 18 months. Never mind the affect on Dion and I - what about our two daughters ? Having dad there, then he is not there for a few nights, then home ..... But our girls are amazing and we have a very strong family !!!
We have been told, since the night of his accident, that Dion will never walk again and will probably be in a wheel chair for the remainder of his life.
Not accepting this and of course not wanting to be in a wheel chair now and forever, Dion has the courage, determination, strength and the ability to walk again. I am very proud of my husband and his determination to "beat" this challenge in his life. Having two small girls who think that you are the best thing in the world and their hero, I think, is his saving grace and his pure drive to get up in the morning and do his utmost to beat this. Of course, there are many downs, more so than the ups, with trying to stay positive and motivated, but Dion and I have a bond that I do not think many couples have - although I pray to God that everyone out there does have this kind of relationship and bond.
We do our best to keep each other going and when he is down I am up and vice verse. I am no psychiatrist or head doctor and believe me it is really hard to understand and sympathise with what Dion has to deal with, but somehow we manage and we seem to be getting through.
He has been doing rehabilitation since his accident and he is doing things that his Doctor's believed he would never do again. He is able to walk with a walker, leg press, do calve raises, cycle on a stationary bike and swim !!! Totally amazing and boy is it hard work. Dion slogs away daily, sweat, tears and guts is all that he has !!! I wish that I was able to support him more and encourage him while he is doing his rehab, but having a full time job (not just being a wife and mother) it is really hard for me to co-ordinate my day. I just pray and hope that he feels me in his heart and soul and knows that I am with him through and through.
He currently attends the Sports Science Institute in Cape Town, where he works with the Bio-Kinetics department. He is really astounding them and the other members of the gym.
I think in life, we all have dreams - dreams of wealth, travelling, health, happiness, job satisfaction, etc - however, my ONE and ONLY dream is for my husband, Dion, to be able to walk along the beach holding the hands of his daughters. I want to see him running with them, throwing them in the air, holding them and not on his lap, picking them up and swinging them around. I want to feel his arms around me and put my head of his chest - my safe place !!! I want to slow dance and not be sitting on his lap while attempting to do this and most of all, if I can help make this a reality for my family by raising the money that we need to send him overseas for medical treatment, this would the GREATEST GIFT THAT I COULD GIVE TO MY FAMILY.
You love, help, assistance and support in this effort would be the greatest gift that anyone could ever give to me.
Love Bronwyn